Data science is a key part of a PM’s day-to-day job. Playing the most customer-centric role in their organisation, product managers need to understand customers in every possible way. But, using gut feeling is no more enough, given the velocity, volume and variety of product data.
Looking beyond the Bitcoin bubble
The open protocols of the world wide web -HTTP, SMTP, POP- are the most impressive example of commons-based creation in the history of mankind.
Digging a hole under LA to fight traffic
Elon Musk mastering the art of making an aspirational business case.
What does Airbnb for cars look like?
Turo is a peer-to-peer carsharing start-up from Silicon Valley, aspiring to disrupt the car-rentals industry in a similar way as Uber has done with the taxi industry.
6 Myths of Entrepreneurship
MIT course presents data debunking 6 myths of entrepreneurship.
How to start a movement (and the virtue of following)
Today, everyone urges everyone to lead. But sometimes having the mental capacity to follow can have an even stronger impact.
MAD…and bodily fuels
Modelling the MAD Game (Mutual Assured Destruction) in the Cold War Era, as a simultaneous decisions game, determining the rational outcome…as well as when rational can fail…
Start with why then what and how
A thought-provoking idea on why finding purpose should be at the center of every innovation initiative.